
The Heritage club welcomes you.  Enjoy your visit.

Members, future members and the general public can all find things of interest offered here by the CPC Vancouver Heritage Club.   Find out more about the club's activities and events and what the club can offer future members. Looking for old Canada Post pictures? There's some great ones, starting from about 1850, in our photo galleries.

If you would like to share something post related, please contact our Club office at 5940 Ferguson Rd,Richmond B.C., by phoning Fred Danells at 604-482-4311 or by emailing him at at fwdanells@hotmail.com.

We'll be offering many things for your pleasure on this site once it's up and operating in a more finished state.

Until then, you may encounter some oddities on this site or even not be able to access the site. Please try us again in an hour or two, things should be right by then. Thanks for your patience.


A slightly different mail vehicle,eh? Could you imagine going off to your walk riding that? Have a look at our photo galleries for more pictures of Canada Post equipment, sortation plants, postal outlets and some of the people who made it all happen.

Looking forward to hearing from you.